
标题: 请教关于《股票大作手操盘术》的翻译问题。 [打印本页]

作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-5-29 21:36
标题: 请教关于《股票大作手操盘术》的翻译问题。
Right here is the time the market should be watched carefully, because if the stock is really going to resume its Downward Trend in earnest, it should sell below its Pivotal Point of 40 by three points or more before it has another rally of importance.
For example: Take a stock which has been in a Downward Trend for quite some time and reaches a low point of 40.   Then it has a quick rally in a few days to 45,then it backs and fills for a week in a range of a few points, and then it starts to extend its rally until it reaches 491/2.   The market becomes dull and inactive for a few days.   Then one day it becomes active again and goes down 3 or 4 points, and keeps on going down until it reaches a price near its Pivotal Point of 40.   Right here is the time the market should be watched carefully, because if the stock is really going to resume its Downward Trend in earnest, it should sell below its Pivotal Point of 40 by three points or more before it has another rally of importance.   If it fails to pierce 40 it is an indication to buy as soon as it rallies 3 points from the low price made on that reaction.   If the 40 point has been pierced but not by the proper extent of 3 points, then it should be bought as soon as it advances to 43.
作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-5-29 22:03
作者: 股海明灯    时间: 2024-5-30 06:52
举个例子:有个票跌了一段时间了,现在创新低40块。然后这个票很快的反弹到45,之后窄幅震荡了一周,再之后接着涨到了49.50。 之后几天交易不活跃。 然后某一天它突然快速下跌3块或4块钱,然后接着跌直到接近40块。这个时候就要注意了。如果这个票要重新延续之前的跌势,它应该接着跌到37或更低,之后才会有像样的反弹。如果没有跌穿40块,那么在它反弹到从低点上涨3块钱的时候是个买点。如果跌穿了40,但是没有低于37块,则它反弹到43块的时候是个买点。
作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-5-30 08:08
作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-5-30 08:12
作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-5-30 08:18
作者: zlj755    时间: 2024-5-30 15:46
作者: 股海明灯    时间: 2024-5-31 04:38
1. 最低跌到35,然后反弹到38 (将近10%反弹)
2. 最低跌到39,然后反弹到43
3. 最低跌到41,然后反弹到44

情况1 就是跌势延续: “如果这个票要重新延续之前的跌势,它应该接着跌到37或更低,之后才会有像样的反弹。”
情况2和3可以看作趋势反转, 就是买点。
作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-5-31 19:12
作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-5-31 19:13
Frankly, I am always suspicious of the inner mind tipoff and usually prefer to apply the cold scientific formula.      But the faet remains that on many occasions I have benefited to a high degree by giving attention to a feeling of great uneasiness at a time when I seemed to be sailing smooth seas. This eurious sidelight on trading is interesting because the feeling of danger ahead seems to be pronounced only among those sensitive to market action, those whose thoughts have followed a scientific pattern in seeking to determine price movements.      To the rank and file of persons who speculate the bullish or bearish feeling is simply based on something overheard or some published comment.
作者: 股海明灯    时间: 2024-6-1 07:46
作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-6-1 08:33
股海明灯 发表于 2024-6-1 07:46
老实说,我总是怀疑第六感而更喜欢冷静的科学思考。但是,在很多时候,市场看上去走势正常,但我确有非常不 ...

作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-6-1 08:52
股海明灯 发表于 2024-6-1 07:46
老实说,我总是怀疑第六感而更喜欢冷静的科学思考。但是,在很多时候,市场看上去走势正常,但我确有非常不 ...

作者: 股海明灯    时间: 2024-6-2 21:29
作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-6-2 22:07
股海明灯 发表于 2024-6-2 21:29
这本书语言有些拗口,不太好翻译。 ...

作者: 晚风    时间: 2024-6-3 08:06
股海明灯 发表于 2024-6-2 21:29
这本书语言有些拗口,不太好翻译。 ...

作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-6-4 17:35
股海明灯 发表于 2024-6-2 21:29
这本书语言有些拗口,不太好翻译。 ...

“Profits always take care of themselves, but losses never do.   The speculator has to insure himself against considerable losses by taking the first small loss. ”
“Let me repeat, there are definitely certain times when a movement really gets under way, and I firmly believe that anyone who has the instinct of a speculator and has the patience, can devise a specific method to be used as a guide which will permit him to judge correctly when to make his initial commitment.”
“That movement should continue strong for a few days with only minor daily reactions.     Sooner or later it will reach a point where it is due for another normal reaction.  When it occurs, it should be on the same lines as the first reaction, because that is the natural way any stock will act when it is in a definite trend.   At the first part of a movement of this kind the distance above the previous high point to the next high point is not very great.   But as time goes on you will notice that it is making much faster headway on the upside.”
“It takes time for it to run its logical course.  It is significant that a large part of a market movement occurs in the last fortyeight hours of a play, and that is the most important time to be in it.”
作者: 股海明灯    时间: 2024-6-4 21:11
“Profits always take care of themselves, but losses never do.   The speculator has to insure himself against considerable losses by taking the first small loss. ”

作者: 股海明灯    时间: 2024-6-4 21:27
“Let me repeat, there are definitely certain times when a movement really gets under way, and I firmly believe that anyone who has the instinct of a speculator and has the patience, can devise a specific method to be used as a guide which will permit him to judge correctly when to make his initial commitment.”

作者: 陈江挺    时间: 2024-6-6 06:13
伍小生 发表于 2024-5-29 22:03
看论坛里陈老师说这本书好翻译,但我看了十来个中文译本,一些地方还是看得比较模糊。如果陈老师能将一些难 ...

作者: 陈江挺    时间: 2024-6-6 06:16
作者: 股海明灯    时间: 2024-6-6 07:36

“That movement should continue strong for a few days with only minor daily reactions.     Sooner or later it will reach a point where it is due for another normal reaction.  When it occurs, it should be on the same lines as the first reaction, because that is the natural way any stock will act when it is in a definite trend.   At the first part of a movement of this kind the distance above the previous high point to the next high point is not very great.   But as time goes on you will notice that it is making much faster headway on the upside.”

作者: 股海明灯    时间: 2024-6-6 07:42
“It takes time for it to run its logical course.  It is significant that a large part of a market movement occurs in the last fortyeight hours of a play, and that is the most important time to be in it.”

作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-6-6 08:30
陈江挺 发表于 2024-6-6 06:13
如果大家真的觉得这本书也有理解问题,或许我也可以再翻一次。这本书总体来说比较容易译。真正难译的是“ ...

作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-6-6 08:53
作者: 陈江挺    时间: 2024-6-6 09:50
伍小生 发表于 2024-6-6 08:53
想起作手回忆录,第一章有个地方的理解想请教一下:就是他不受赌馆欢迎之后,大都会设法为难他,其中一个为 ...

作者: 股海明灯    时间: 2024-6-6 21:36
作者: 股海小鱼    时间: 2024-6-9 06:11
陈江挺 发表于 2024-6-6 06:13
如果大家真的觉得这本书也有理解问题,或许我也可以再翻一次。这本书总体来说比较容易译。真正难译的是“ ...

作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-7-28 17:57
股海明灯 发表于 2024-6-6 21:36
风险小了,挣得也少了。赌馆的目的是控制他的交易量,不让他从赌馆挣太多钱。 ...

作者: 股海明灯    时间: 2024-7-29 04:08
伍小生 发表于 2024-7-28 17:57
明灯老师,关于本书,突然想到个问题,就是书末图表,他每天记录的价格是按收盘价记录还是? ...

作者: 伍小生    时间: 2024-7-29 05:47
股海明灯 发表于 2024-7-29 04:08

作者: zlj755    时间: 2024-7-29 13:04
伍小生 发表于 2024-7-28 17:57
明灯老师,关于本书,突然想到个问题,就是书末图表,他每天记录的价格是按收盘价记录还是? ...


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